Feature in Destiny Magazine: The Medium is the Message

Law enforcement agencies are known to use the intuitive skills of psychic to help close cases. Now an experimental local company is trying to follow suit in the boardroom. It’s something many business leaders resorted to during the global financial crisis, but most of them are reluctant to admit having done so publicly.
“The Chinese consult oracles before every business decision and in this way perform spiritual due diligence on every deal they do, which can have entrepreneurial and spiritual advantages.” says Stephanie Salt, a clairvoyant and owner of InStep Psychic Business Consultants.
CEOs have sought her services to help vet prospective employees and board members, as well as elicit forecasts of how their companies will perform, how to expand their organisations and other strategic tips.
“Business leaders are always looking for a perfect fit, so we use numerology and astrology as well as card readings,” says Salt.